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 4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview

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Участников: 4

Количество сообщений : 66
Возраст : 38
Географическое положение : ближний замкадистан
Дата регистрации : 2008-03-24

4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Empty
СообщениеТема: 4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview   4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Icon_minitimeПн Май 05 2008, 15:02

Bloody futuristic warfare spills over onto the internet

With so many Warhammer games coming our way, what will make Warhammer 40,000 Online stand out? We talked to Vigil Games’ General Manager David Adams and Studio Creative Director Joe Madureira for the exclusive first glimpse at the gritty sci-fi online world.

PCG: Besides the obvious distinction of being science fiction as opposed to fantasy, how will you distinguish yourselves from the Warhammer fantasy MMO from EA Mythic?

David Adams: The fact that Warhammer 40,000 is science fiction and not fantasy goes a long way to distinguish the game from other fantasy MMOs, such as Warhammer. Besides the obvious visual differences, the setting also affects many aspects of the gameplay.

First off, unlike a fantasy MMO, guns play a major role in the dynamic of combat. The gameplay will be much more intense, focusing a lot on fire-fights, tactics, cover and general brutality (which is befitting a game set in the grim future).

Secondly, the sheer scale of Warhammer 40,000 lends itself to experiences players have never seen in an MMO. The term “Battleground” takes on an entirely different meaning. Our battlegrounds will be more epic in scale, more intense, and more true to a game with the tagline, "In the grim darkness of the future, there is only war." This doesn't preclude the more intimate battlegrounds that other MMOs have, only that we will also be including more grand affairs, that give a player the sense that they are immersed in an actual Warhammer 40,000 battle.

PCG: The 40k universe is already very complex and rich; how are you making it approachable to players new to the world?

DA: One of the reasons Warhammer 40,000 has been successful is that it has a built in cool factor. Someone new to Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000 universe doesn’t need to understand the sheer depth of the Imperium, or the age-spanning history of the Eldar to appreciate the setting. All they need to see in the universe are a couple of Space Marines defending a corridor against a rush of Genestealers, or an Eldar Farseer facing off against a Daemon Champion of Khorne—and you are hooked—whether you are new to Warhammer 40,000 or not.

PCG: When is this game set in the 40k universe (i.e. is it set before or after the Horus Heresy?)

DA: The game is set in the 41st millennium, well after the Horus Heresy and more contemporary to the tabletop game.

PCG: The gameplay for the tabletop game focuses on squad combat and tactics. How are you translating these elements to an MMO?

DA: To preface, let me say that this game will be an RPG. That needs to be said, because when someone thinks of a Warhammer 40,000 MMO there is definitely some question as to the style of play: will it be an FPS, an RTS, or some other genre altogether? Relic has the RTS angle covered with the awesome Dawn of War series—we are making an RPG.

However, that doesn’t mean that aspects of the tabletop don’t influence the style of play we present to the player. As I mentioned earlier, just the inclusion of ranged weapons as a dominant form of combat changes the basic underlying mechanics of a typical MMO. This leads to similar tactics that you might employ in the tabletop, such as cover, suppression fire, flanking, etc… If you think about it, “Group” is a just another way of saying “Squad.”

PCG: How many different races are playable?

DA: We aren’t ready to release a full list just yet. Rest assured, all of the races important to Warhammer 40,000 lore (not to mention the fans) will be represented. We want each and every race to have weight in the game world, and feel distinct. We won’t include a race if we can’t do them justice.

PCG: What kind of classes will be offered? The table-top game boasts the line: "in the future, there is only war." But will there be non-violent, "social" classes as well?

Joe Madureira: We have a ton of classes planned, but honestly, the final classes will only be cemented once we’ve tested them a bit, weeded out any overlap or redundancies, balance issues, etc. As just about everyone knows, class balance and fun group dynamics are some of the trickiest, and most important aspects of the MMO genre. While characters will be able to take part in non-violent actions in the game (social activities are vital to the success of an MMO), there won't be any characters that advance completely outside of combat. It just doesn’t fit in with the vision of the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

PCG: What are the player customization options? Can a player design their own Space Marine Chapter or Ork Clan?

JM: We have a very robust system for creating distinctive looking characters— and of course, it wouldn’t be Warhammer 40,000 without tons of stuff hanging off your character, including weapons, scrolls, chains, books, medals, and what have you! I hate to say this without showing images to back it up, but I feel like we are going to have the coolest looking characters of any MMO, ever. Of course that isn’t all that hard to achieve being that everything in Warhammer 40,000 is over-the-top badass! Once we begin releasing images, feel free to call me on that remark.

PCG: What kinds of NPCs will the player encounter? Will we see the Fat Bloke?

DA: We want to build a Warhammer 40,000 world that extends beyond the battlefield. This will involve cities (of all scales, types and sizes), exotic alien temples, Chaos shrines, deserted battlefields, mysterious ruins, ancient structures, drifting hulks in space, etc... Warhammer 40,000 is a universe filled with mystery—where the unknown lurks around every corner, ready to kill you.

Warhammer 40,000 is also a universe filled with history—you get a sense that the stars have been tread countless times, by forces beyond imagining. This is what makes it such a great place for adventure and excitement—but it also makes it a cruel and remorseless place where a single man is less than a speck in an ocean of stars. However, those that manage to make their mark in such a time and place are all the more remarkable for it—and that's where our players come in.

As for NPCs, all these fantastic locations will be brought to life with a wide range of NPCs: Imperial citizens, Chaos sycophants, xenos (40k for alien), Daemons from the warp, Eldar craftsman, oge raders, ancient killing machines, etc... I could go on forever.The point is, the game will be filled with NPCs both ready to help you and kill you.

PCG: Will players be able to control vehicles?

DA: This isn’t something we are willing to talk about at this point, but let’s just say that we are well aware of the importance of vehicles in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

PCG: How much involvement has the Games Workshop staff had in the making of the game?

DA: Games Workshop is the master of Warhammer 40,000, they have spent decades building up, what I believe to be one of the best science fiction IPs of all time. The job of translating that IP into an MMO setting is largely left up to our team, but Games Workshop does a wonderful job of providing us all the appropriate feedback and information to ensure that what we make remains true to the universe they have created. As an avid fan of the setting, I wouldn’t want it any other way.

PCG: What kind of missions can the player look forward to playing solo or with parties?

JM: We’ll have a large number of solo, party, and PvP missions. We are not going to try to force grouping, as some games have tried to do—that’s just annoying. MMORPGs are about giving the player options, and that means letting them play the game how they want to. Though, while it will be possible to solo for the life of your character, you’re definitely going to want some buddies watching your back in some of the missions, especially the PvP ones. Yes—there will be PvP and bloodshed. After all, this is Warhammer 40,000, and there is only War!
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Количество сообщений : 5
Дата регистрации : 2008-04-26

4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: 4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview   4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Icon_minitimeПн Май 05 2008, 19:32

Мда, интересно конечно, что у них получится. При таком наборе рас и класов(их тоже наверно будет не мало) удастся ли им хоть как-то сбалансировать игру) Еще, как он говорит основное оружие будет огнестрельное-читай дальнобойное. Как это скажется на том же танковании например...А то эти танк+хил+дд уже приелись Smile Поглядим в общем
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Количество сообщений : 66
Возраст : 38
Географическое положение : ближний замкадистан
Дата регистрации : 2008-03-24

4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: 4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview   4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Icon_minitimeПн Май 05 2008, 19:51

ага, насколько я понимаю, это вообще будет ПвП-онли проект по большому счету.
Болтер и цепной меч! нафик танкоффф
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Agent Smit
Флудер со стажем
Agent Smit

Количество сообщений : 208
Возраст : 40
Географическое положение : Лантис
Дата регистрации : 2007-11-24

4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: 4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview   4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Icon_minitimeПн Май 05 2008, 22:26

Интересно туда введут Тиранидов ? )
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Количество сообщений : 66
Возраст : 38
Географическое положение : ближний замкадистан
Дата регистрации : 2008-03-24

4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: 4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview   4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Icon_minitimeПн Май 05 2008, 23:34

ИМХО из них сделают мобофф... ибо тираниды не являются самостоятельными существами.
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Agent Smit
Флудер со стажем
Agent Smit

Количество сообщений : 208
Возраст : 40
Географическое положение : Лантис
Дата регистрации : 2007-11-24

4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: 4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview   4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Icon_minitimeВс Май 11 2008, 04:25

Фи. Гайдоф побольше читай про тиранидоф. У них коллективный разум. Но отдельные представители улья поумнее некоторых людей будут.
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Количество сообщений : 66
Возраст : 38
Географическое положение : ближний замкадистан
Дата регистрации : 2008-03-24

4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: 4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview   4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Icon_minitimeВс Май 11 2008, 14:48

Agent Smit пишет:
Фи. Гайдоф побольше читай про тиранидоф. У них коллективный разум. Но отдельные представители улья поумнее некоторых людей будут.

вот еще, гайды по мерзким ксеносам читать. любой контакт с ксеносом, кроме огневого, считается ересью, а единственное наказание за ересь - смерть.
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Agent Smit
Флудер со стажем
Agent Smit

Количество сообщений : 208
Возраст : 40
Географическое положение : Лантис
Дата регистрации : 2007-11-24

4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: 4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview   4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Icon_minitimeВс Май 11 2008, 15:32

В настолку вархаммер 40к гамаеш? Если да то я с радостью встречусь с тобой и ты докажеш мне что твой вид двуногой еды может постоять за себя. tongue
"Они идут! Я чувствую их как они скребутся у меня в мозгу.Как они скребутся, кричат,воют - много , так много голосов.Они идут за нами,за нашей плотью и кровью,теслами и душами."
Псайкер Эйдрит 5 корпус планеты Виридия.
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Количество сообщений : 15
Возраст : 42
Дата регистрации : 2008-05-05

4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: 4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview   4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Icon_minitimeВс Май 11 2008, 16:34

Быстрее выйдет Wrhammer Online: Age of Reconing bounce
Думаю пока на неё стоит обратить внимание работникам меча и топора Laughing
А потом уж и смотреть что со вселенной W 40.000 будет. Ну это моё мнение Smile
Если кому интересно _тыц_
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Количество сообщений : 66
Возраст : 38
Географическое положение : ближний замкадистан
Дата регистрации : 2008-03-24

4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: 4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview   4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Icon_minitimeВс Май 11 2008, 23:19

Agent Smit пишет:
В настолку вархаммер 40к гамаеш? Если да то я с радостью встречусь с тобой и ты докажеш мне что твой вид двуногой еды может постоять за себя. tongue
"Они идут! Я чувствую их как они скребутся у меня в мозгу.Как они скребутся, кричат,воют - много , так много голосов.Они идут за нами,за нашей плотью и кровью,теслами и душами."
Псайкер Эйдрит 5 корпус планеты Виридия.

Побежал докрашивать ИГшников =))
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Agent Smit
Флудер со стажем
Agent Smit

Количество сообщений : 208
Возраст : 40
Географическое положение : Лантис
Дата регистрации : 2007-11-24

4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: 4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview   4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview Icon_minitimeВт Июл 01 2008, 05:33

[quote=Побежал докрашивать ИГшников =))[/quote]

Отлично , а то есть хочется... Иг вкусные....

Сверхразум будет доволен. king
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4/29/08 - Warhammer 40,000 Online Developer Interview
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